Rental with option to buy

Lease with purchase option

What happens if the tenant does not continue to pay the rent and can he exercise the purchase option?


In this publication we resolve an inquiry that we received in our real estate recently. 

A landlord makes a rental property available to a tenant with a purchase option. 

The tenant does not pay the monthly rent established in the signed contract. What happens if the landlord files an eviction lawsuit for non-payment of rent? Will the tenant (opting party) be able to exercise the purchase option? 

After studying this assumption, which is usually discussed in the courts of justice, the answer is, it depends.

Para que al arrendatario (optante a ejercer la opción de compra) se le prive de poder optar a comprar la vivienda (cuando éste haya impagado rentas de alquiler) deberá constar en el contrato que dicho incumplimiento, se considerará como cláusula resolutoria del arrendamiento y a su vez arrastre la extinción de la opción de compra o que dicha opción venza anticipadamente por incumplimiento en el pago de las rentas de alquiler.  Cuando la opción de compra esté coligado al contrato de arrendamiento, la resolución del contrato por cualquier causa comporta <<prima facie>> en principio la extinción de la opción de compra.

However, if a termination clause of the contract is not detailed, the optioning party, even if evicted, may exercise the option to purchase the dwelling, if he does so within the agreed time, exercising the option temporarily. If the contract is linked, the lessor may oppose it, since the exception of non-performance then extends its shadow to the option contract, which ceases to be an independent business.

Citing case law, STS of May 19, 2003 [RJ 4860] and STS of March 19, 2001 [RJ 3981]).

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